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Long Author Bio:


Daniel Ruefman writes fantasy, nonfiction, and books for younger readers. To date, he has released three collections of poetry, a children’s picture book, and a memoir, What the Fuzz? Survival Stories of a Minor League Mascot.


In addition to his book-length works, his poetry and prose has appeared widely in literary magazines and journals including Adelaide, Barely South Review, Burningword, FLARE: Flagler Review, SLAB (Sound and Literary Arts Book), and Thin Air Magazine, among others.


Daniel holds a Bachelor of Arts in Writing from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, a Master of Arts in English from Slippery Rock University, and a Ph.D. in Composition & Applied Linguistics from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. When not writing, he teaches the craft as a Professor of Rhetoric & Composition at the University of Wisconsin – Stout. 


To learn more about Daniel and his work, please visit:


Short Author Bio:

Daniel Ruefman is a native of northwestern Pennsylvania. After earning degrees in writing from Edinboro University, Slippery Rock University, and Indiana University of Pennsylvania, he moved to Minnesconsin. When not writing, he teaches the craft at the University of Wisconsin – Stout.


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